Niagara Peninsula Amateur Radio Club
Celebrating 75 Years of Niagara Amateur Radio
1948 – 2023

Welcome to the Niagara Peninsula Amateur Radio Club,, web site.


20240608 – Next meeting June 13, 7:00 pm at Black Creek Community Centre, 2959 Baker Rd, Stevensville. This will be the Annual General Meeting  confirming the 2024-2025 Executive  This will be the last meeting of the 2023 – 2024 Club year.

20240506 – Congratulations to NPARC VE3VM for placing first in the multi-multi category of the RAC 2023 Winter Contest. Certificate is posted on the notable postings page on this site. Operators included VE3NDW, VE3GGR, VA3OV, VA3TUK, VE3RRH, VE3MPA, VA3CK, VE3CJX, VE3ZPW.

20240212 – Big Event 44 confirmed to happen at Black Creek Community Centre, 2959 Baker Rd, Stevensville,on May 25, 2023. Not too early to get a table, indoors or out. See flyer for details.

 20230729 – President Ken Gansel (VA3KWG) Cogeco NPARC interview.

Check out the 75th Anniversary QSL cards at 75th Anniversary QSL Card and the QRZ page.

20230611 – September 1st 2023 2023-24 membership renewal time! Many thanks to those that have renewed. Others, please complete a NEW membership form so membership information can be confirmed and send in funds. Convenient e-transfers to treasurer @ and cheques via postal mail (Niagara Peninsula Amateur Radio Club, Inc., Box 20036, RPO Grantham, St. Catharines, Ontario, L2M 7W7) are welcome.

Club Meetings

Tech Nights Bring your projects or join one. Learn something. Get help from Elmers. Ad hoc schedule at Black Creek Community Centre, 2959 Baker Rd, Stevensville Contact Henry va3ov @
Recommended CW training aids: morsecode ninja, justlearnmorsecode. Practice learning the letters, numbers and punctuation 10 to 20 minutes per day. Next step will be using a keyer. Review will be at April Tech Night with hopefully a coach.

Next Tech Night February 22, 2024, 6:00 pm

General Meetings on second Thursday of the month, 7:00 pm, from September to June.

Next general meeting June 13, 2024 7:00 pm at Black Creek Community Centre, 2959 Baker Rd, Stevensville

Executive Meetings on first Tuesday of the month, 7:30 pm, from September to June, by zoom.

Next virtual Executive meeting, June 4, 2024, 7:30 pm. Contact webmaster @ for an invite if you would like to attend.



All certified / licensed operators are welcome.

NPARC Wednesday weekly net 8:00 pm, on VE3NRS 147.240+ 107.2 Hz tone on hiatus for the summer. See you in September. Net preamble may be found here. SWL’s can check in by e-mail or text to netcontrol @

Niagara ACS net on VE3RAF, 145.190- 107.2 Hz tone Monday 8:00 pm.

Trans Canada IRLP net on VA3WAJ, 442.425+ 107.2 Hz tone, IRLP 9013, Wednesday, 11:00 am.

ONTARS daily net 3.755 +/- 7:00 am to 6:00 pm.