VC3N75 – 75th Anniversay QSL Card

The Niagara Peninsula Amateur Radio Club (NPARC) will be issuing a special QSL card to commemorate the Club’s 75th Anniversary.  The Club was founded in October of 1948.  

Details on how to obtain the card are outlined on this page, but please keep in mind that NPARC is a club made up of volunteers and that radio propagation can affect contacts during the period that we are on the air.

The Club has been issued a special event call sign VC3N75 to celebrate our 75th Anniversary.  The Call sign will be used during the period of June 1 to July 31. 

Members of NPARC will call CQ on set frequencies (outlined below) at specific times.  Any station making a confirmed QSO will be entitled to a QSL card.  There will be the opportunity of obtaining a card (4×6 postcard) or an electronic PDF card.  The hardcopy card will be mailed to anywhere in the world for a cost of $5.00 Canadian$, again details on this are below.

There are two QSL cards, one designed for VHF contacts and the other card for HF contacts, this will become a sought-after QSL for sure, so you will not want to miss out on the opportunity to have one of these very limited cards.

General instructions / information

If you made a QSO during the  club’s 75th Anniversary events, (June 1 to July 31), please complete the registration before September 1st deadline.

Instructions to get a 4×6″ QSL Card by mail or an E-QSL Card

Step 1: Complete your QSO with an operator of VC3N75 between June 1 to Julu 31, 2023, Important to note your time/date using UTC time and complete the form in the link for e-card and Postcard QSL Card.

For 4×6″ Post Card Type QSL Card, go to step 2 below,

For an E-Card complete the online form in the link, there is no charge for the E-QSL Card.

Step 2: Submit your $5.00 CDN$ payment by one of the following methods: (this is for the postcard QSL card that will be mailed by postal mail to – any address in the world)

In Canada – Pay by Interact Transfer to  NO PASSWORD Required

Outside of Canada – Pay by PayPal to 

Important is to reference your call Sign plus Date, Time and Freq of the QSO, we need to link your payment to the QSO.


Complete this form for:

1) E-QSL Card

2) Post Card Mailed QSL Card

If requesting a postcard mailed QSL card remember to make payment as outlined in the instructions.

Thank you for being part of NPARC’s 75th Anniversary Celebrations and supporting Amateur Radio.