GWEN Patch
Ground Wave Emergency Network - EmComm
"100% Reliable Emergency Communications to 100 Kilometres with 100 Watts or Less in all Conditions"
- Amateur Radio - 80 Metre Band - Vertical Polarization - Omni Directional - Morse Code - Sideband - Digital -
GWEN Patch
GWEN-EmComm Volunteer Registration Form

Filling this form is completely voluntary. We encourage all amateurs young and old with 80 metre capabilities and a vertical antenna to sign-up and form a chapter in your city or county. We need your help to map ground wave propogation in southern Ontario. The information is used for GWEN-EmComm activities such as finding distances between GWEN stations. This information can be posted here so other amateurs can compare propagation in their area. Your registration is greatly appreciated and entails no commitment from you other than to help others and have fun on the air when you are availalble. During GWEN-EmComm activities such as NETS, TESTING and S.E.T.s, we encourage you to fill-in the GWEN-EmComm Logbook form HERE and submit it to GWEN.

Please choose all that apply:

Last Name:   First Name:   Middle Initial:  

Callsign:   Email:   City or Town: 

Your Location:

Latitude:     Longitude:      Elevation:  Metres

Your Location Description:

Urban:  Suburban:  Rural:  Other: 

Your Antenna:

Home Brew:  Commercial:  Description:  No. Radials: 

Your Emergency Power Source:

Generator:  Batteries:  Solar:  Wind:  Other: 

Your Soil Conditions:

Sand:  Clay:  Agricultural:  Swamp:  Marsh:  Limestone:  Moraine:  Granite:  Forested:  High Water Table:  Near Lake or River:  Other: 

Your Radio and any other Commments:

We look forward to hearing you on the air.

First & third Monday
of month at 1930 hrs.
3607 kHz LSB +/- QRM.
Second & fourth Monday
of month at 1930 hrs.
3607 kHz LSB +/- QRM.
Next GWEN S.E.T.
Simulated Emergency
Test to be announced.
Emergency Preparedness Week
ARRL Field Day 2016
GWEN S.E.T. Port Hope August 4th, 2010