GWEN Patch
Ground Wave Emergency Network - EmComm
"100% Reliable Emergency Communications to 100 Kilometres with 100 Watts or Less in all Conditions"
- Amateur Radio - 80 Metre Band - Vertical Polarization - Omni Directional - Morse Code - Sideband - Digital -
GWEN Patch

Soil Conditions in Southern Ontario

Soil conditions are a predictor of good ground wave propagation. Agricultural soil and proximity to water, such as lakes, rivers and swamps indicate good to excellent ground wave propagation. Looking at the map, it is predicted communications via ground wave could be challenging in the Kingston/Brockville area due to the Canadian Shield. The St. Lawrence river could offset some challenges. Mapping ground wave propagation in this area could be interesting and challenging.

Below is a Government of Canada map illustrating the surface conditions of soil and rocks in Southern Ontario. Click on this map and go to the Government of Canada, Physiography of Southern Ontario website. Click-on the JPEG or PDF to down load the map. Use the map to predict ground wave propagation in your area.

Soil conditions of Southern Ontario

Map Credit: The Atlas of Canada - Physiography of Southern Ontario.

If you have 80 metre capabilities with a 1/4 wave vertical antenna or a multi-band
vertical antenna mounted on the ground with radials, we can use your help to map Ground Wave propagation in Southern Ontario from Windsor-Sarnia to Ottawa-Kingston.
Contact, David, ve3bbn @ at GWEN Niagara or David, va3orp @ at GWEN Frontenac for more information.

First & third Monday
of month at 1930 hrs.
3607 kHz LSB +/- QRM.
Second & fourth Monday
of month at 1930 hrs.
3607 kHz LSB +/- QRM.
Next GWEN S.E.T.
Simulated Emergency
Test to be announced.
Emergency Preparedness Week
ARRL Field Day 2016
GWEN S.E.T. Port Hope August 4th, 2010
GWEN S.E.T. Port Dover August 9th, 2009