Wednesday - 17 July 2013 - 1030 hrs - 3607 kHz LSB
REVISION 2013-07-19: Test observations posted.
REVISION 2013-07-18: Final location of GWEN out-station posted. Final distance between GWEN out-station and St. Davids posted. Photos posted.
REVISION 2013-07-06: Changed Cayuga out-station location, modified Excel spreadsheet for printing and updated backup frequency VHF repeater information.
REVISION 2013-07-04: Added Excel spreadsheet to record observations.
REVISION 2013-07-02: Added additional observations.
Ground Wave Test Results
This morning at 1000 hrs Peter, VA3WET and David, VE3RNF went off to York, a small town north of Cayuga approximately 70 kms from St. Davids, Ontario, to determine the minimum number of radials necessary to produce the ground wave mode of propogation between these two towns.
This area (York) was chosen because of the soil type available being good pasture land and David, VE3RNF knew the owner of the land and permission was guaranteed.
After setup, communications was established between York and St. Davids via HF radio on 3607 kHz LSB. David VE3BBN acted as net control for the exercise with Bob, VE3HNH and John, VA3BOZ participating as observers.
The net control station ran 50 Watts into a 46 foot vertical with 48 radials 40 feet long each lying on the surface of the ground. The out station, used a 30 foot Butternut HF6V vertical with elevated radials and power levels of 80, 40, 20 and 10 Watts.
The NCS received from York a signal report of S9 in all cases.
There were 32 tests in all with varying number of radials and configurations. See the tables below with recorded observations.
Radials Less Than One Quarter Wavelength (31 feet) - Elevated at antenna feed point and sloping to ground.
No. | No. of Radials |
Radial Orientation |
Power in Watts |
'S' - Meter St. Davids |
'S' - Meter York, ON |
1 | 8 | One to St.Davids All 45° Apart |
80 | 9+3db | S9 Gen. Noise |
2 | 8 | " | 40 | 9.0 | " |
3 | 8 | " | 20 | 8.5 | " |
4 | 8 | " | 10 | 8.0 | " |
No. | No. of Radials |
Radial Orientation |
Power in Watts |
'S' - Meter St. Davids |
'S' - Meter York, ON |
5 | 4 | One to St.Davids All 90° Apart |
80 | 8.0 | S9 Gen. Noise |
6 | 4 | " | 40 | 7.0 | " |
7 | 4 | " | 20 | 6.0 | " |
8 | 4 | " | 10 | 5.5 | " |
No. | No. of Radials |
Radial Orientation |
Power in Watts |
'S' - Meter St. Davids |
'S' - Meter York, ON |
9 | 2 | One to St.Davids One at 180° |
80 | 7.5 | S9 Gen. Noise |
10 | 2 | " | 40 | 7.0 | " |
11 | 2 | " | 20 | 6.2 | " |
12 | 2 | " | 10 | 5.8 | " |
No. | No. of Radials |
Radial Orientation |
Power in Watts |
'S' - Meter St. Davids |
'S' - Meter York, ON |
13 | 1 | Toward St. Davids |
80 | 7.2 | S9 Gen. Noise |
14 | 1 | " | 40 | 6.4 | " |
15 | 1 | " | 20 | 5.8 | " |
16 | 1 | " | 10 | 4.8 | " |
Radials Approximately One Quarter Wavelength (63 feet) - Elevated entire length.
No. | No. of Radials |
Radial Orientation |
Power in Watts |
'S' - Meter St. Davids |
'S' - Meter York, ON |
17 | 2 | One to St.Davids One at 180° |
80 | 7.5 | S9 Gen. Noise |
18 | 2 | " | 40 | 6.9 | " |
19 | 2 | " | 20 | 5.8 | " |
20 | 2 | " | 10 | 5.7 | " |
No. | No. of Radials |
Radial Orientation |
Power in Watts |
'S' - Meter St. Davids |
'S' - Meter York, ON |
21 | 2 | One to St.Davids One at 135° |
80 | 7.5 | S9 Gen. Noise |
22 | 2 | " | 40 | 6.6 | " |
23 | 2 | " | 20 | 6.0 | " |
24 | 2 | " | 10 | 5.2 | " |
No. | No. of Radials |
Radial Orientation |
Power in Watts |
'S' - Meter St. Davids |
'S' - Meter York, ON |
25 | 2 | One to St.Davids One at 90° |
80 | 7.8 | S9 Gen. Noise |
26 | 2 | " | 40 | 7.0 | " |
27 | 2 | " | 20 | 6.2 | " |
28 | 2 | " | 10 | 5.8 | " |
No. | No. of Radials |
Radial Orientation |
Power in Watts |
'S' - Meter St. Davids |
'S' - Meter York, ON |
29 | 1 | Toward St. Davids |
80 | 7.2 | S9 Gen. Noise |
30 | 1 | " | 40 | 6.0 | " |
31 | 1 | " | 20 | 5.0 | " |
32 | 1 | " | 10 | 4.0? (noise) | " |
All of the above signal reports showed that propogation was truly by ground wave with a rock solid meter reading on all but the last which was modulated by lightning strikes and caused the meter to deflect upward so the reading was invalid.
I am truly pleased with the results of the test and appreciate the hard work both Peter and David put into it to achieve them. The temperature in their environment was a grueling 40C while I was in a very comfortable 30C.
Future tests will be performed with a top loaded 40 foot vertical with 8 elevated radials at the 100+ KM range.
Cheers and thanks to all who participated.
David, VE3BBN ncs GWEN Niagara
GWEN Niagara Out-station Observations
I would like to note some of our findings at the out-station.
We arrived reasonably early to set up...well before 10:00 am. BUT we encountered many mechanical problems.
1. Connector on grounding coil was found broken. Go kit had an extra crimp connector and saved us.
2. A couple solder connections broke on the radial ground system. Using hose clamps, we reconnected the ground wires to the antenna base. Suggest we use hose clamps in the future to connect all ground radials.
3. Recommend using batteries or a generator friendly to electro-magnetic radiation. We had an S-9 noise due to the generator. Despite the noise all communications from St. Davids to York was excellent with full copy.
4. Recommend using a Field Day Shelter to keep the sun off and bugs away next time. More time will be needed for set-up.
5. Encountered loose ground connections. Remedied by tightening. Recommend using copper stranded wire and takeup spools for each radial. Do not recommend using more than 8 radials due to the time to set up.
6. Do not recommend using an auto tuner. It had difficulty tuning. Switched to a manual Antenna tuner and used an MFJ antenna analyzer to set frequency.
7. Needed time to manually tune antenna to 3607 khz. Thank goodness we brought the antenna manual as I was moving the coils in the wrong direction.
More Recommendations
8. Out-station must have an MFJ Antenna analyzer in their kit.
9. Out-station must have a manual portable antenna tuner with cross hairs
10. Out-station must have a complete tool box and spare parts with soldering iron.
11. Out-station must have CW paddles and the radio must have a CW keyer.
12. Out-station must have manuals for all equipment in use. ie. radio,
tuner, power supply etc.
If anyone has anymore suggestions, please let us know and we will write it in the report. I have done this several times and more including Field Day and I am still learning. Cheers.
Peter, VA3WET
GWEN Niagara Out-station
North of Cayuga, Ontario near York, Ontario
Butternut HF6V mounted with insulators on one inch rebar with radials aligned towards St. Davids.
Photo By David, VE3RNF.
Photo By David, VE3RNF.
Short 31 foot radials aligned toward St. Davids.
Photo By David, VE3RNF.
Peter, VA3WET sets the radials.
Photo By David, VE3RNF.
Peter, VA3WET loads up the car after a successful hot day of testing.
Photo By David, VE3RNF.
David, VE3RNF keeps in touch with his handheld.
Photo By Peter, VA3WET.
GWEN Niagara
c/o NPARC Inc,
P.O. Box 20036
Grantham Postal Outlet
St. Catharines, ON L2M 7W7
Distribution List
- GWEN Niagara continues to experiment with 80 meter ground wave propagation to find the optimum equipment set-up to extend range in the Niagara Peninsula and beyond in the unlikely event of total loss of area repeaters during a Zombie Apocalypse.
- On Wednesday, July 17th, 2013, GWEN Niagara will conduct propagation experiments using HF Ground Wave. The results will be recorded and analyzed to find out if radial elevation above ground, radial positions, radial length and the number of radials have any affect on signal strength and directivity.
- General Outline.
A portable vertical HF 80 metre out station will be established near Cayuga, Ontario (N 43.042° W 79.930°) at a distance of approximately 70 Km from St. Davids, Ontario (N 43.166° W 79.930°). A Butternut HF6V will be assembled with the feed point approximately one metre above the ground. The antenna will be mounted on insulated rebar. The base of the antenna will not touch ground. Eight radials, less than 1/4 wavelength (31 feet), will extend from the antenna feed point in the cardinal directions and primary intercardinal directions and slope to ground. Signal reports will be recorded at near Cayuga and St. Davids for various power levels. The results will be compared to signal reports with:
- radials elevated their entire length,
- radials of 1/4 wavelength,
- radials reduced in numbers and
- radials pointing in different directions.
- Observations.
All amateurs are encouraged to listen in, record your observation on the following pages and send them to GWEN-EmComm.
Click here to down-load an Excel Spreadsheet to record your observations.
Page One - Shortened Radials - Elevated at antenna feed point and sloping to Ground.
Click here to download Page One as a "JPEG".
No. No. of
in Watts'S' - Meter
St. Davids'S' - Meter
Cayuga1 8 Cardinal & Intercardinal
Directions80 2 8 " 40 3 8 " 20 4 8 " 10 No. No. of
in Watts'S' - Meter
St. Davids'S' - Meter
Cayuga5 4 Cardinal Directions 80 6 4 " 40 7 4 " 20 8 4 " 10 No. No. of
in Watts'S' - Meter
St. Davids'S' - Meter
Cayuga9 2 One To St.Davids
One at 180°80 10 2 " 40 11 2 " 20 12 2 " 10 No. No. of
in Watts'S' - Meter
St. Davids'S' - Meter
Cayuga13 1 Toward
St. Davids80 14 1 " 40 15 1 " 20 16 1 " 10
Page Two - 63 Foot Radials - Elevated their entire length.
Click here to download Page Two as a "JPEG".
No. No. of
in Watts'S' - Meter
St. Davids'S' - Meter
Cayuga17 2 One to St.Davids
One at 180°80 18 2 " 40 19 2 " 20 20 2 " 10 No. No. of
in Watts'S' - Meter
St. Davids'S' - Meter
Cayuga21 2 One to St.Davids
One at 135°80 22 2 " 40 23 2 " 20 24 2 " 10 No. No. of
in Watts'S' - Meter
St. Davids'S' - Meter
Cayuga25 2 One to St.Davids
One at 90°80 26 2 " 40 27 2 " 20 28 2 " 10 No. No. of
in Watts'S' - Meter
St. Davids'S' - Meter
Cayuga29 1 Toward
St. Davids80 30 1 " 40 31 1 " 20 32 1 " 10
Page Three - 63 Foot Radials - On the Ground.
Click here to download Page Three as a "JPEG".
No. No. of
in Watts'S' - Meter
St. Davids'S' - Meter
Cayuga33 2 One to St.Davids
One at 180°80 34 2 " 40 35 2 " 20 36 2 " 10 No. No. of
in Watts'S' - Meter
St. Davids'S' - Meter
Cayuga37 2 One to St.Davids
One at 135°80 38 2 " 40 39 2 " 20 40 2 " 10 No. No. of
in Watts'S' - Meter
St. Davids'S' - Meter
Cayuga41 2 One to St.Davids
One at 90°80 42 2 " 40 43 2 " 20 44 2 " 10 No. No. of
in Watts'S' - Meter
St. Davids'S' - Meter
Cayuga45 1 Toward
St. Davids80 46 1 " 40 47 1 " 20 48 1 " 10 - Grouping and Tasks.
- Net Control (VE3BBN)
- prepare Op Order, conduct O Group, prepare AA Report
- establish station at St. Davids, ON
- gather signal reports from Out-station near Cayuga, ON - GWEN Niagara EmComm Out-station near Cayuga, ON (VA3WET & VE3RNF)
- establish HF and VHF stations near Cayuga
- provide signal reports as requested by NCS
- change orientation of antenna radials
- gather signal reports from base station in St. Davids - Coordinating Instructions.
- Date: Wednesday 17 July 2013
- Frequencies:
- VHF - VE3WCD repeater, Fonthill ON (147.300 MHz +offset 107.2 Hz tone)
- HF - 3.607 MHz LSB +/-QRM
- Backup Frequency:
- VHF - VE3OPB repeater, Stoney Creek(Hamilton) ON (147.345 MHz +offset 131.8 Hz tone) formerly the VE3PDX repeater.
- Equipment:
- VHF Equip: approx. 40 Watts with 5/8 wavelength mag-mount antenna
- HF Equip: approx. 10, 20, 40 & 80 Watts to 25 foot vertical antenna.
- Modulation by microphone and keyer.
- Power supply: automobile battery and portable generator
- Timings:
- 0800 - Breakfast in Fonthill
- 0900 - Depart for Cayuga, Ontario
- 1000 - Arrive at location, begin set-up, test VE3WCD repeater
- 1030 - HF Ground Wave testing begins
- 1040 - Gather signal reports on 3.607 MHz simplex LSB
- 1100 - Hot wash-up to follow at "Gateway"
- 1115 - End exercise
- Signal Reports:
- In order to gather accurate ground wave signal reports, stations must be capable of transmitting a steady carrier at 10, 20, 40 and 80 Watts for a period of 30 seconds. This is necessary to observe the stability of the signal in order to confirm that it is being propagated by ground wave. A CW keyer will be used.
- VE3BBN is in command of this exercise. He may be reached at
D. Wilson, VE3BBN
GWEN Niagara