GWEN Patch
Ground Wave Emergency Network - EmComm
"100% Reliable Emergency Communications to 100 Kilometres with 100 Watts or Less in all Conditions"
- Amateur Radio - 80 Metre Band - Vertical Polarization - Omni Directional - Morse Code - Sideband - Digital -
GWEN Patch
GWEN-EmComm Logbook Form

If you have not registered with GWEN, please click HERE.

Your Callsign:   Mobile:  Portable:  Marine Mobile:  Air Mobile: 

Contact Information:  Callsign   Date   Time 
Contact: Latitude   Longitude   Elevation  Metres
Power Levels: Yours   Contact   Signal Report: Sent   Received  
Antenna: Home Brew   Commercial   Description  
Radials: Yes   No   Quantity  Contact: Direction  Degrees and Range  Km

Contact Information:  Callsign   Date   Time 
Contact: Latitude   Longitude   Elevation  Metres
Power Levels: Yours   Contact   Signal Report: Sent   Received  
Antenna: Home Brew   Commercial   Description  
Radials: Yes   No   Quantity  Contact: Direction  Degrees and Range  Km

Contact Information:  Callsign   Date   Time 
Contact: Latitude   Longitude   Elevation  Metres
Power Levels: Yours   Contact   Signal Report: Sent   Received  
Antenna: Home Brew   Commercial   Description  
Radials: Yes   No   Quantity  Contact: Direction  Degrees and Range  Km

Contact Information:  Callsign   Date   Time 
Contact: Latitude   Longitude   Elevation  Metres
Power Levels: Yours   Contact   Signal Report: Sent   Received  
Antenna: Home Brew   Commercial   Description  
Radials: Yes   No   Quantity  Contact: Direction  Degrees and Range  Km

Contact Information:  Callsign   Date   Time 
Contact: Latitude   Longitude   Elevation  Metres
Power Levels: Yours   Contact   Signal Report: Sent   Received  
Antenna: Home Brew   Commercial   Description  
Radials: Yes   No   Quantity  Contact: Direction  Degrees and Range  Km

When the page is full, please submit it to GWEN. To start fresh, reload the page and reset the form.
Thank-you for submitting your log.


First & third Monday
of month at 1930 hrs.
3607 kHz LSB +/- QRM.
Second & fourth Monday
of month at 1930 hrs.
3607 kHz LSB +/- QRM.
Next GWEN S.E.T.
Simulated Emergency
Test to be announced.
Emergency Preparedness Week
ARRL Field Day 2016
GWEN S.E.T. Port Hope August 4th, 2010
GWEN S.E.T. Port Dover August 9th, 2009